Recursive trigger & class
public Class checkRecursive{
private static boolean check = true;
public static boolean checkOneTime(){
check = false;
return true;
return check;
Trigger for update Account from Contact
Description : i have to create one check Box field called Is_Main__c in contact if it will checked then it's Name copy to Account's field called Account Site and update Account and also uncheck other related contact list's filed called Is_Main__c . only one contact par Account have checked that field and update contact.
trigger test on Contact (after update) {
List<Contact> cont = new List<Contact>();
Contact con =[0];
Contact conOld;
Account acc = new Account();
if(Trigger.isUpdate && checkRecursive.checkOneTime()){
conOld = Trigger.old[0];
if(con.Is_Main__c != false){
acc = [select id,Site from Account where id =:con.AccountId]; con.FirstName +' '+ con.LastName;
update acc;
cont = [select id,Name,accountId,Is_Main__c from Contact where accountid =];
for(Contact c :cont){
if(c.Is_Main__c != False && c.Id != con.Id)
c.Is_Main__c = False;
update cont;
List<Contact> contactCount = new List<Contact>();
contactCount = [select id,Name,accountId,Is_Main__c from Contact where accountid = : con.AccountId and Is_Main__c = true];
if(conOld.Is_Main__c == true && con.Is_Main__c == false){
con.addError('There must be at least one main contact with account.');